7 seconds
a worker is injured on the job
Traditional Healthcare
The numbers are staggering—but they’re very real. Fortunately, each injury is preventable, and taking proactive action can improve the safety and well-being of your employees while driving down your cost of injury.
We can help.
Direct physical therapists offer unprecedented access to care
What happens when healthcare providers come to your employees, instead of the other way around? Your employees save time, receive earlier treatment, and—because they’re not inconvenienced—are less likely to skip out on the care they actually need to treat or prevent a costly injury.
Being onsite also allows our physical therapists to see directly how (and where) your employees work so we can ensure the care they get is the best fit for their needs.
Additional Direct Physical Therapist Benefits
- Reduced injury rates
- Faster injury recovery
- Improved work safety
- Lowered healthcare costs
- Industry-specific care
- Less absenteeism
- No-nonsense access
- Wellness-focused company culture
- Employee engagement
- Lower turnover
- Enhanced brand recognition
- Access to a network of additional providers
Reducing injury rates goes beyond the treatment room.
Injury mitigation is about more than innovative healthcare. Your employees also need to feel empowered and supported.
Injury Mitigation
We combine our expertise with your employees’ insights to prevent workplace injury and lower healthcare costs.
Employee Engagement
Employees who feel better, work better. Our on-site providers help your employees feel more in control of their own well-being.